Cancer Council Victoria (CCV) TARDIS

Cancer Council Victoria


The Accessible Registry Data Interrogation System (TARDIS), provides a user-friendly web interface enabling users to easily find popularly requested information and view multiple visualisations on cancer case data.

CCV Overview

Country: Australia
Industry: Non-profit Organisation

Customer Profile

The Cancer Council Victoria (CCV) is a non‐profit organization involved in cancer research and cancer support, prevention and advocacy. CCV operates the Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR), which collects details of all cancers diagnosed in Victoria in accordance with the Cancer (Reporting and Registers) Act 1981. Since the beginning of 1982 the VCR has maintained a register of all cases of cancer diagnosed in Victoria. Part of the VCR’s role is to publish cancer incidence and mortality information to help improve cancer prevention, control, and treatment.

Business Situation

The VCR’s traditional data dissemination method involves presenting users with collected data in large annual publications, from which users were expected to find the answers to their ad hoc requests by sifting through tables, graphs, slides, reports, and data sets.


In collaboration with Space-Time Research, VCR implemented an interactive reporting system for commonly requested cancer case data available online via their website.

TARDIS displays more than just static data in the reports. It uses online analytical processing technology to provide interactive screens that allow users to change their view of the cancer data according to their requirements. And they can download any report to their computer as a .pdf file or .csv file.

TARDIS standardises rates to six different populations, making it simple to compare VCR’s data to other similar national and international cancer data collections.

Users can easily and quickly obtain answers to their ad hoc questions, allowing VCR analysts to answer the more complex inquiries and focus on their other core duties.


  • Ease of use, not requiring specialist analytical or computer skills
  • Comparison of rates for local and global populations
  • Ad-hoc tabulation and analysis enabling self-service by users

[testimonial author=”Helen Farrugia, Director Registry Systems, Cancer Council Victoria”]Technically, SuperVIEW has all the power, flexibility and configuration capabilities we need. And its intuitive, user-friendly interface and multiple views are the perfect fit for our audience. The data reporting output includes ‘rates’ as a measure. This is one of the most frequently requested formats to view cancer incidence and mortality data and TARDIS handles this superbly.[/testimonial]

For more information visit the Cancer Council website.

 – Issued 26 March 2009